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Thoughts from COP22


At the UN Conference COP22, I had the honor of speaking, learning, and ideating with some of the world's greatest climate minds to work toward solutions. Here are some highlights and inspiration from Marrakech!

"There's no such thing as strangers, only people you haven't met yet." I have never felt that to be more true than here in Morocco at this moment in time – at the souk, #COP22 and Do-Fest alike.


Hello Morocco! Ciao America! ✌🏾️✈️🌎🇲🇦 Abandoning my country is the last thing I'd do at a critical time like this, but we have serious environmental work to lead at the United Nations #COP22 this week where representatives from over 180 nations unite to act on climate. There has never been a more acute need for citizen activists or public-private partnerships than right now in the wake of this election. 👩🏾👱🏼👴🏽👩🏻👨🏽👵🏿 We, the American people, cannot back down, shut up or hide out; we must rise with a depth of vigor, passion and commitment that inspires and galvanizes all. It's the only way to create a society that values unity over division, inclusion over bigotry, love over hate. #ReadySetGo #ActOnClimate


One of my focuses at COP22 was on business and finance action. It is immensely important that the private sector finds - and implements - climate-friendly solutions to their everyday practices. Sneak a peak at the important the relationship between business and climate!

Communing and finding solutions with dreamers, doers, innovators, and all around incredible people is absolutely the way in which we will work to end climate change. I will continue to fight for these solutions - and to take action for a sustainable future.


Take time to reflect. The UN Climate Conference #COP22 has been a whirlwind of learning and doing. Now, we bring it home to affect change! 🌍 

Learn more about COP22...


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