Our world is dealing with a humanitarian crisis of unfathomable scale and experiencing the greatest migration in human history. If there is one thing that I have learned from working on the ground with refugees on the island of Lesvos, across mainland Greece and in Macedonia, it is that there is something that each and every one of us can do to help fellow humankind in a time of need.
"I cannot stand by idly any
longer as people wash ashore half a world away – dead and alive, old and young, sick and injured, disheartened and afraid
– facing an unfathomable plight with no end in sight. Refugees
are human beings who deserve dignity and attention."
Humanity, Dignity. Going to Work with Refugees in Lesvos -- 10/13/2015
I Thought I was Ready. Refugees in Lesvos... Day One -- 10/25/2015
8,800 Humans Arrive Daily. Refugees in Lesvos… Day Two -- 10/26/2015
Where to Begin? Refugees in Lesvos... Day Three -- 10/27/2015
Tragedy Strikes. Refugees in Lesvos... Day Four -- 10/28/2015
Ship Sinks Before My Eyes. Refugees in Lesvos... Day Four -- 10/28/2015
Numb. Refugees in Lesvos... Day Five --10/29/2015
News Worth Smiling For. Refugees in Lesvos... Day Six -- 10/30/2015
A Different Halloween. Refugees in Lesvos... Day Seven -- 10/31/2015
Here For Humanity. Refugees in Lesvos... Day Eight -- 11/1/2015
Fences, borders, walls, and seas may divide, but I refuse to accept such arbitrary and troublesome boundaries. I will fight for the dignity and respect of humanity – for my new friends, for my peers, children and elders alike, for my fellow human beings."
Newsflash: The Refugee Crisis is Worsening -- 11/12/2015
I Will Not Be Terrorized. Refugees, the War in Syria, ISIS, and the Paris Terror Attacks -- 11/15/2015
Back on Lesvos. An Inkling of Hope... Trip Two -- 11/25/2016
The Refugee Journey. Greece to Macedonia with my "Family" -- 11/30/2015
"I do not know how these individuals and families do it, from where they muster such immense strength, what sustains their bodies and souls on this endless, incomprehensibly difficult journey. It is a quest
for survival and opportunity,
of hope and faith."