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The Incredible Permaculture of Kauai


An epicenter of permaculture, a Mecca for botanicals, a 'morganic' farm, a home to the most diverse collection of herbal medicine and plants in Hawaii.

That is where I stand – feet in the rich compost tea-covered soil, hands picking perfectly ripe figs from the tree, body energized by the raw herbs on which I nibble, skin soaking up radiant tropical sun, heart overflowing with deep gratitude.

I am in Hawaii for work (I know, I know!) with the Visitors Bureau to learn about conservation efforts, sustainable agriculture, eco tourism, environmental initiatives, and ethical businesses – like Kauai Farmacy.

A remarkable team of masters of their crafts and conscious, kindred spirits are bringing back lost arts of herbal medicine on this four acre parcel in northern Kauai – making medicinal teas, herbal powders, artisan spice blends, healing salves, and restorative hydrosols.

Abundant and biodiverse, the potential is endless to steward the life on this land, champion holistic health, and offer people choices in medicine that come straight from the farm.

"Awareness and consciousness are ultimately what this whole thing is about." And plants are our great educators. Unparalleled vitamins and minerals awaken specific elements of our body and spirit. Billions around the world praise herbs and live because of their potency and power.

And may I close this flow with a few gentle words of wisdom: the world can seem so dark right now, but there IS beauty all around us. Seek it. Find it. Amplify it.


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