I love these men. It’s 4am and we all give speeches at BBYO with 5,000 teens tomorrow morning, yet are happily working in the lobby, refining language around youth activism for The African Middle Eastern Leadership Project - AMEL. These are my friends, my people, my inspirations, my collaborators, my energy, my sanity, and yes, my Valentines. It’s been a wild ride for us on every level imaginable the past few years… and shows zero signs of slowing down. ‘Tis a mighty good thing there’s no one I’d rather do life with than these brilliant, compassionate, driven, tireless, loving, resourceful, creative, giving, mover-shaker souls, who also don’t know a thing (or perhaps know everything!) about work-life balance.

Youth activism and next generation leadership is not to be overlooked, laughed at or underestimated. I take it seriously — living, breathing, standing and fighting for it personally and professionally. Speaking to and being here at BBYO with 5,000 powerful, passionate, proactive high school students gives me hope… and oh do we ever need it!
