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  • erinschrode

Shana Tova

Today was powerful. Tonight was magic.

What happens when you… 

Turn off tech

Silence your cell Don’t drive Pass on public transit Forget food

Ignore news Eliminate email

Forgo photos?

You… Walk well over 100 city blocks Spot skylines in new ways Engage eye contact Wig-out over wafting scents of waffles and halal food and pretzels Notice new [everything] Feel breeze on your face Navigate new pathways through Central Park Smile solely Hum happy tunes Listen to zillions of languages Overhear open-ended conversations Play with pigeons and puppies and pesky squirrels Nod knowingly to those with yarmulkes and tallis bags Sing in synagogue Recite ritualistic prayers Touch the torah Sit with special souls Engage emotionally with loved ones Set sacred intentions and specific goals on paper Meditate meaningfully en masse Gather graciously Celebrate community  Feast on flavor and friends and freedom and fullness of spirit and a fresh year ahead

Shana tova and g'mar chatima tova!


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