My interview with The Skimm is on Instagram! I had a truly incredible time sharing a little bit of my morning with them. Take a look and SHARE:
Mornings with @erinschrode#UpWiththeSkimm #SkimmLife
Name: Erin Schrode
Job: Environmentalist, social entrepreneur, congressional candidate in California CD-2#Erinforus and rabble rousing optimist! ✨
What time do you get up? Five minutes before my first call or 10 minutes before I have to be out the door.
How many times do you snooze? Minimum three. But I am notorious for sleeping through a sounding alarm. 📢
Do you snore? Nope.
What are three things you can't live without in the AM? Zillions of lists, my Twitter feed to see what on earth is happening, and essential oils.
Favorite line from theSkimm recently? “The FOX News host and the likely GOP nominee burned some incense and talked out their trust issues on national TV. All better now." 📺🇺🇸 ✌.
What's your morning drink? Smoothie. Always add greens. 🌱 Always add plant protein. 💪🏽 Always have a mason jar. #jarjournal ♻️
Who do you let speak to you before coffee? If by coffee, you mean yerba maté… my campaign manager. And let's just say, he doesn't appreciate it very much.
Complete the sentence: Woke up like this: _______. Conscious, driven, and on a mission to make the world a better place. 🌍
Have you checked out more of The Skimm?