"We have pink hair and purple hair. We have tattoos and dreadlocks. We got white girls, black girls and everything in between. Straight girls and gay girls. Hey!” Megan Rapinoe and the entire USWNT Soccer Women’s National Team (aka the US Team… our team!) are inspiring all of us here at the NYC Ticker Tape Parade — and countless people worldwide of all races and genders and backgrounds through their historic excellence, stellar performance and general badassery both on the field and off! ⚽️👑🏆🎉 We DO have to be better, love more, hate less, listen more, talk less, as the co-captain and outspoken leader said so eloquently. It IS everybody’s responsibility to make the world a better place. And that includes fighting for equal pay for all women in all professions. The best sign I saw today read: Parades are cool, equal pay is cooler. Amen! This team represents much of the best of America — and I am grateful to be here with my soul sister (even when I'm fresh off the red eye!) to celebrate the sacrifice, struggle, strength and success of each player, staff member and supporter who inspire, make us proud, ignite our tenacity, remind us of what is possible and compel us to do more for all together.